How can i measure the success of my seo services campaign?

This KPI measures how many visitors come to your website from organic search results. Run your website through Google's PageSpeed Insights to find out if your site is fast. A score of 100% is fast. A score of 90 or higher, but not 100%, is considered good.

If you're between 50 and 90, that score needs to improve. A score equal to or less than 50% is considered bad. In this post, I'll describe the 5 main metrics you should understand when it comes to measuring the success of an SEO campaign. You should regularly track your keyword rankings on any of the ranking verification tools available online (including software such as RankTracker from Link Assistant) and observe any movement in the ranking positions of the keywords.

The conversion rate is the percentage of people who visit your website and take the desired action compared to the total number of people who visit your website. Once you've found your conversion rate, how will you know if it's at an acceptable level? Online conversion rates can vary dramatically from industry to industry. But try to have a conversion rate of between 3% and 3.5%. Anything lower than 1% would require you to review your conversion factors and possibly call in experts to help you solve the problem.

Your SEO should bring organic traffic to your website, while your website itself should be optimized to convert that traffic into qualified leads. This date range filter will allow you to compare the amount of traffic coming from specific keywords over a 28-day period with the previous 28-day period. It's a great way to measure the consistent growth of your most important keywords over time. The bounce rate is the percentage of traffic that leaves your website right after arriving at it and doesn't see any other page on your website.

The bounce rate is an indication of how relevant a web visitor believes the page they land on is to them. Ideally, your bounce rate should be as low as possible. Different types of pages have different bounce rates; for example, the pages on your home page or service page should be lower than your blog posts and pages. Professional SEOs track everything from rankings and conversions to lost links and more, to help demonstrate the value of SEO.

Measuring the impact of your work and continuous improvement are critical to the success of your SEO, customer retention and perceived value. It's also important to note that we now only have a lot of data. It's clear that analytics software like Google Analytics has a lot of value, but explaining the bounce rate or frequency to the whiteboard often results in prying eyes and a lack of commitment. We can also analyze retention, promotion and reputation: the specific objectives of your SEO campaign and sales process often dictate what's important here.

There may also be a crossing. Is generating followers on social networks or email subscriptions engagement or retention? Ask these questions and clarify your own reporting objectives. The KPIs we use in SEO projects at my agency, Bowler Hat, are designed to go beyond simply tracking the ranking of a limited set of keywords. Rather, we analyze the impact on organic traffic (visibility), the relevance of traffic (engagement) and overall quality, and the likelihood that this traffic will generate a sale, a potential customer, or a conversion of any kind.

If your SEO agency is creating high-quality backlinks from reliable and relevant websites in your industry, then it's probably doing a good job on your campaign, because this is the hardest part of an SEO campaign. As with any other service you pay for, SEO must be measured and tracked so that you can calculate if your campaign is making you money or losing money. Tracking and measuring your SEO performance is arguably the most important aspect of any SEO campaign. Keyword rankings are excellent, but a demonstrable percentage increase in sales thanks to SEO or a lower cost per lead from SEO compared to.

Typical SEO KPIs, such as keyword rankings and metrics from tools like Moz or Majestic SEO, can be useful to you, but the customers you serve want to see an increase in sales and leads, not just an improvement in positions and an increase in domain authority. The point is that, while keyword rankings are an indication of your SEO results, you should consider them as a piece of the puzzle; they are not the metric that defines if you are successfully running your SEO. .

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